Principal’s Weekly Update – February 24th, 2023
Thus says the Lord: I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:14, 19)
Update Attachments – Spring GLENLEA Plant Fundraiser : Vendors Welcome Spring SCCS Craft Fair : KinKar Raffle
Please keep Mrs. Marsh Hamm and her family in your prayers. Mrs. Marsh Hamm’s Mom passed away this week, and she had to fly to New Brunswick. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Mrs. Marsh Hamm.
- Welcome to Ms. Sharie Fogel, our new K-5 French teacher. Ms. Fogel joined our school community this week to take over Mme. McIsaac’s maternity leave. We are happy to have her here!
- Monday was Louis Riel Day. There was no school.
- Tuesday morning, we began our day with our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast. Thank you very much to all parents who volunteered and donated items. Your hard work and generosity did not go unnoticed and were very much appreciated.
- Tuesday morning was also Enrichment classes for our Middle Years students.
- Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, and we had our Ash Wednesday School Mass with Fr. Michael.
- Wednesday was Pizza Lunch for those students who ordered.
- We began Thursday with a Pink Shirt Day Assembly. It was so nice to see a “sea of pink.” The message of kindness was shared, and making kindness a priority everyday was stressed. Our younger students got together with their buddies to do some kindness activities after lunch, and it was a lot of fun! A special thank you to my Safe & Caring Staff Committee for making this day so meaningful for our students.
- Thursday evening our PAC Meeting was held in our cafeteria at 6:30pm.
- On Thursday evening, some of my staff and Board members attended the annual Manitoba Federation of Independent Schools Dinner/Evening at the Victoria Inn.
- Re-registrations were due today for the 2022-2023 school year.
- Outstanding Middle Years assignments were due today for credit in term 2.
- The upcoming School Musical cast members hosted a Bake Sale today.
- Mrs. Prettie and I will be participating in the annual Board of Directors Retreat/Planning Session this evening.
- Monday Baby Henrik and his mom will be here for our family Roots of Empathy family visit.
- Learn to Skate is on Monday for our K-2 students.
- Tuesday is Enrichment classes for our Middle Years students.
- “Dress as your favourite book character” also happens on Tuesday. I can’t wait to see all the “characters” come to school!
- Wednesday Power School will be shut down to parents so that teachers can start preparing for Term two report cards.
- Wednesday is Subway Lunch for those students who have ordered.
- Friday is Report Card Writing Day for teachers, so it is an Inservice day/no school.
- Our Grs. 3-5 Choir will be competing in the Manitoba Music Festival on March 9th @ 10:00am. Details to follow.
- Our Middle Years choir will be competing in the Manitoba Music Festival on March 10th @ 12:30pm. Details to follow.
- There is a Rome Trip meeting for all families going to Rome on Monday, March 13th @ 6:30pm.
- Our Middle Years Science Fair is coming on Friday, March 17th.
- Friday, March 17th will also be a Colour Day for St. Patrick’s Day. We will also be collecting for Toonies for Tuition $2 that day. More information to follow.
- Book Fair Week begins on March 20th.
- Report cards are distributed on March 20th.
- Reconciliation for our Middle Years students is on March 22nd.
- Student Led Conferences will be held March 23rd and the morning of March 24th. More details to follow.
- Some of our Middle Years students, and their parents, leave for Rome with Mrs. Prettie on March 25th.
- Next week is a new month.
- Reminder, you need to submit a BASC form to attend.
- There is BLINE on Monday.
- There is Cheer/POM on Tuesday.
- There is BLINE on Wednesday.
- No school on Friday. You needed to be registered to attend BASC.
- St Patty’s craft still has some spots.
- BASC tax receipts have all been handed out, any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me(Kim).
- Friday, March 24th BASC closes at 4pm.
- BASC’s April, May, June forms to be posted soon.
“Thank you everyone for the support of the Bake Sale.” Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks Kim
Two of our grade 5 students, Madison, and Selena, have started a socks and underwear drive for Siloam Mission. They are asking for new pairs of socks and underwear- all sizes and gender, to be brought to the school February 22, 2023- April 6, 2023. Boxes will be in the front foyer of the school for students to make their contributions. Through your support, Siloam Mission can provide vital services to improve the quality of life of those experiencing homelessness.
Thanking you in advance for your contributions.
We are also collecting cans of food for Lent. This initiative is in conjunction with St. Charles Parish. Please send your cans of food with your child and help us fill the boxes in the front foyer of the school.
Thank you!
Check out online deals and get a gift card from Sport Chek, Lulumon, Nike, Amazon and many others. online, or download the FlipGive app on iPhone and Android/Samsung.
From your online fundraising team
Excited for Spring? We are once again partnering with Glenlea Greenhouses for a spring fundraiser. Order a variety of high-quality plants and veggies online and our school will benefit! All orders can be placed online now until April 15th, and you’re encouraged to order early for best selection. The Greenhouse has indicated that this is a popular fundraiser and they do sell out of plants. Simply follow the details in the enclosed letter. The plants will be delivered to St. Charles Catholic School on Tuesday, May 23, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact Thank you for your support!
Tickets are on sale now. Just scan the QR code or click on the link below and it will take you to our unique sales code. This way St. Charles gets 50% of the proceeds of every ticket sold under that code. Tickets are 1 for $10, 3 for $20 or 10 for $50.
The final draw is on Monday, June 26th, 2023.
Save the date!!!! Thursday, May 25, 2023 @ Breezy Bend Golf Course. More details to follow but as per usual we will need lots of help. Golfers! Sponsors! and Prizes!
If you can help or donate in anyway email
2023 outdoor soccer registration for Sturgeon Heights CC
Register online February 13-March 26/23
(9-18 years old)
Register in-person: SHCC 210 Rita St.
March 9th: 6:30-9:00pm
March 18th: 10:00am-1:00pm
Todd Povey
Sturgeon Heights soccer convenor
Happy Weekend!
See you all next week!