All inquiries for admission and registration will be processed through the school administration office.
The application process begins with submitting all required materials as outlined on the checklist included with the Admissions Application/Registration Package. A $125.00 non-refundable registration fee will be required. Please note that certain grades fill quickly.
Application Packages are available as downloads on our SCCS webpage, by contacting the school office, and will be available to families at the November Kinder Fair and may be submitted that same evening.
Once these materials are received, interviews will be arranged with the Principal. Kindergarten applicants may also meet with an Early Years’ specialist to explore Kinder readiness. This is an informal interview that is scheduled at the same time as the interview with the Principal. For both parents and teacher, this child-friendly approach is a great way to get to know your child’s readiness for Kindergarten.
Interviews for new applicants will be scheduled starting January 7th. Families are encouraged to submit the completed application documents as soon as possible in order to schedule an interview.
Please note that applications will not be considered complete until all required documentation is accounted for and the interviews completed.
Students may be accepted at other times through the year at the discretion of the school Administration. Students who have been accepted to St. Charles Catholic School will receive notification by mail in early March.

Registrations & Applications
Kindergarten applications generally commence after the Kinder Open House in November. Applications for all grades may be submitted at any time during the year. Registration for the school begins in February with the re-registration of current students.