Support & Resources
St. Charles Catholic School is committed to supplying a variety of accessibility resources available to students and parents upon request.
Here are some examples of Accessibility Resources that can be requested:
- Public information (safety protocols and procedures).
- Directions.
- Library Resources.
- Educational materials in accessible formats for teachers, students, parents, and applicants.
- School resources, lessons, workbooks, and supplementary learning.
Should you have need of accomodation, either in-person or online, please use the Requests & Suggestions form to contact us. Ensure that your message includes any relevant details to the assistance you require, so that support can be delivered promptly.
Some resources are made available through the Manitoba Accessibility Office.
Requests & Suggestions
Contact Us
STCCS Accessible information and communication training and policy document.
This page is designed in accordance with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.