
Enrichment / Specialty Programs

K-2 Learn-to-Skate

Students in K-2 take part in a 10-session skating lesson program. As part of their PE curriculum, students are taught the basics of skating and rink safety through a variety of drills and games. Students are grouped on the ice into small groups ranging from 4-7 students per instructor and taught according to their skill level. More advanced students will be given more advanced drills which may include hockey readiness skills. Instruction is provided through JP Vigier and Vigier Hockey.

SCCS Learn to Skate
SCCS Learn to Skate

Excellence in Writing Program

The ELA programs throughout the school use the Excellence in Writing program. This program methodically teachers each student the skills for writing quality paragraphs by developing an appreciation for structure, beginning in Grade 1, creativity and a varied vocabulary. Students are expected to write paragraphs in older grades, on a weekly basis that “puts grammar into context” and emphasizes the skills learned that week.

Guided Reading Program

From Kindergarten through Grade 3, students develop reading skills in small groups facilitated by the teacher. Students are grouped according to ability and can flow between groups throughout the year as their skills advance. There are 40 levels of reading ability possible.

Totally Unbelievable Speakers Club (T.U.S.C.)

Created by Toastmasters International, this club prepares children for public speaking. As part the ELA program, students in Grades 3-5, prepare and deliver speeches, evaluate speeches, present impromptu speeches and organize meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Cursive Handwriting

Students are taught cursive handwriting at the end of Grade 3 and are expected to develop this skill through Grade 5.

Private Music Lessons

Private lessons are available in voice, guitar, drums, piano, violin, and woodwinds. Teachers are highly skilled as performers and teachers. Lessons are scheduled through the Private Music Lesson Coordinator and occur during school hours.

Strings Enrichment Program

Students in Grades 6-8 who have an interest in continuing their string education, whether it be on the violin or something new, like the cello, viola, or double bass, will have the opportunity to join String Ambassadors Club, a string instrument-based Enrichment program offered on a weekly basis during lunch hour.

Competitive Sports

St. Charles is a member of the Manitoba Catholic Schools Athletics Association. As such, we compete against other Independent schools in the city. Competitive sports include: Basketball, Badminton, Volleyball and Track and Field.


St. Charles offers a wide variety of clubs for our students, including crafts, choir, leadership, instrumental, running, walking, basketball, violin, chess, and cooking. The clubs meet during noon hours, before school or after school.

Extra-Curricular Physical Education

Grades 6-8 students are provided with leadership opportunities as coaches, referees, scorekeepers, and overall organizers. Throughout the year, students also participate in a variety of sports activities including Summer Camp (Gr. 5&6), Winter Camp (Gr. 7&8), downhill skiing (Gr. 6-8), bowling (Gr. K-2), and winter outdoor sports at Harbourview (Gr. 3-5).

Holy Childhood Association (HCA) | Pontifical Mission Societies

Each fall, all students are enrolled in the Holy Childhood Association. As members, they are encouraged to pray for children in other parts of the world, and to support children who are in need of assistance. The HCA focuses on a specific region each year. The students organize several fundraising and educational activities to support the annual focus of the HCA.

Rome Trip

All students in Grades 7 and 8 are invited to participate in a Rome Tour which occurs over Spring Break on alternate years. This trip is aligned with the current MB Social Studies curriculum and explores our roots as Catholics as well as giving vibrancy to our Faith. It allow us to visit the homeland of our school Patron, St. Charles Borromeo, and enables students to further develop their leadership skills. More information will be provided throughout the year. Next scheduled tour is in 2025.

Hockey Enrichment Program

Vigier Hockey and St. Charles Catholic School offer students in Grades 6-8 registration in a Hockey Skills Program. The 16-week program runs once a week at the Keith Bodley Arena and provides a consistent and convenient opportunity for students to hone their skills with minimal conflicts to their school commitments. This program is all-inclusive: new and experienced players are welcome, regardless of skill level. This program’s emphasis is on a structured curriculum, safety, and inclusivity allows for students to grow their passion for hockey and enhance their skill.

Other Enrichment Opportunities

Students have many other opportunities to “get involved” with activities throughout the year, including being a part of the annual School Musical, joining the Strings Club, Altar Servers, Song Leaders, Student Leadership Ambassadors, speaking at churches or community functions, etc.