Principal’s Weekly Update – November 10th, 2023
Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)
Update Attachments – : SCCS Craft Market 2023 Poster …
Our first Kindergarten Open House is just around the corner! It will be held in the main gym on Tuesday, November 28th @ 6:30pm. All current families who have a child ready for kindergarten in the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend, please contact to have an application package sent home. We will start accepting kindergarten applications for the 2024-2025 school year the evening of November 28th. Make sure you reserve your spot now.
- Monday morning, Bisons Against Bullying, were here to speak to our grs. 7 & 8 students.
- Tuesday morning, our grs. 7 & 8 students had Advisory groups.
- Wednesday, we lowered our school flag to half mast in honor of Indigenous Veteran’s Day.
- Wednesday, I met with the owner of Vigier Hockey to plan our K-2 Learn to Skate program set to begin in January.
- Thursday morning, I attended my virtual Manitoba Federation of Independent Schools Education Committee meeting.
- Friday was our Remembrance Day Assembly hosted by the kindergarten-gr. 2 teachers. It was an excellent assembly full of meaning and lessons. A very special thank you to Captain Tracy Dixon for speaking at our assembly today, and for sharing her experiences of being in the military with our school community. We sincerely appreciate your service and dedication, and we thank you for all you do. Thank you to the staff and students who helped with the assembly and took on special roles to make it so meaningful. Thank you to those families who were able to attend our assembly today. Our school flag will be lowered for the weekend in honor of Remembrance Day.
- Tonight is Trivia Night at Assiniboine Downs! Looking forward to an evening of fun and adventure. 😊
- We will have our first lockdown drill sometime this week. We are mandated to have 2 lockdown drills per school year. Teachers have been talking to their classes to prepare them for this drill and the importance of knowing what to do when a lockdown occurs.
- On Monday morning, we will have some St. Paul’s High School boys back to volunteer in our school community.
- Enrichment classes are being held Tuesday morning for our grs. 7 & 8 students.
- I will be attending my Principal’s Meeting on Wednesday morning at the Archdiocese office.
- Term 1 officially ends on Thursday, and PowerSchool closes to parents until after report cards are handed out.
- Lifetouch picture re-take day will be held on Thursday.
- St. Mary’s Academy and St. Paul’s High School will be here to present to our gr. 8 students on Thursday morning.
- Friday is an Inservice Day/No School, as teaching staff will be writing report cards.
- School Mass will be held on November 21st over at St. Charles Parish at 10:30am. Please join us if you can.
- I will be attending the Manitoba Federation of Independent Schools in-person meeting/luncheon on November 21st.
- Musical try-outs begin on November 22nd.
- There is a PAC Meeting at 6:30pm on November 22nd.
- Some of my staff will be attending their second day of Treaty Education Training on November 24th.
- Grs. 3, 3-4, & 4 students will be going on a field trip to the Children’s Museum on November 24th.
- Grs. 1, 1-2, & 2 students will be going on a field trip to the Manitoba Museum on November 24th.
- Our Kindergarten Open House is coming up on November 28th at 6:30pm. Please let anyone you know who may be interested in kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year.
- There is BLINE on Monday and Wednesday.
- Friday, November 17th, no school. BASC is full.
- Before your child goes to BASC you need to submit a form daily, weekly or by the month, whatever works best for you. Please do not just tell your child to go to BASC. Texting and saying your child needs BASC is just for a last-minute emergency.
- Copies of December and January forms are available in the front entrance.
- Forms will be on the website soon.
- December there is Baking, Curling and a Christmas Craft.
- January has a Craft.
People have been asking, there is no BASC over the Christmas Break.
Reminder, BASC number for drop off & pickup only is 431-323-3736 for morning drop off 7am to 8:15 am and pickup between 3:25 to 4pm. After 4 pm you need to use a fob to enter the building for BASC pickup. We do not walk the students to the doors after 4pm.
My number you can text is 204-880-8245 for Hot Lunch or BASC program questions, you can also email me or I will answer your text later. Hope this helps to better understand. Thanks Kim
‘Tis the season for soggy socks and mittens after recess! Please ensure your child has extra socks and mittens in their backpack so that they can change into a dry pair after recess should they need to. Thank you!
If your child is prone to dry hands and dry lips especially during this time of year, please send non-medicated hand lotion and lip balm with your child in their backpack so that they can apply it themselves at school. The Front Office cannot administer anything to help.
It is never too late to submit a Child Abuse Registry Check application to the Front Office should you plan to volunteer here at our school during the school year. Please note that it takes 6 to 8 weeks for the Child Abuse Registry office to process and return applications back to our school, so don’t wait to the last minute! Get yours in now! Applications are available in the Front Office, or you can email and the application(s) you need can be sent home in

Hello friends and family of St. Charles School. The online fundraising continues with our St. Charles FlipGive App. Gift cards and online shopping are waiting for you right now. This app runs on iPhone or Android phones, as well as off of any Windows or Apple computer.
The lineup of deals and offers is growing, and Christmas season is kicking off! Wayfare, Canadian Tire, Sephora, Crocks, Marks, Walmart, Safeway, Winners, Old Navy, Gap, Boston Pizza, Tim Hortons, Applebee’s, Starbucks, Indigo, Door Dash are all waiting for you to check out.
Something else you might also like to check out, especially if your kids are into gaming and electronics, are: Roblox, Sony, Kobo, XBox, HP, and Best Buy.
You can download the app from Google Play if on Android phone, or the Apple Store. To join up, click here:
Once you have signed up, to access the app and check things out at any time, see our link here:
During the school year, if you have any questions, please contact us at this email address anytime:
You are only a click away from helping out St. Charles Catholic School. Happy Shopping from your online Fundraising team
The CWL will be hosting their annual Craft Sale Saturday, November 18th & Sunday, November 19th. There will be a raffle and a Second Time Around Table. Come and check it out!
God of peace and justice, guide our hands and hearts to make our world full of peaceful places.
Homes of hope and warmth, schools of safety and caring, parishes of welcome and reverence, communities of creativity and respect, countries of justice and freedom, continents of harmony and unity, and a world where humans take their rightful place as nature’s guardians.God of hope, you gave us the wonderful power to choose.
It is within our power to choose peace and not war, to choose friendship and not fighting, to choose love and not hatred.
We pray for your guidance to help us choose to become a people of peace.Amen.
A very special thank you to all our military families at SCCS. Thank you for your service and dedication. We appreciate all you do for our country. May God continue to bless you always.
Lest we forget.