Principal’s Weekly Update – November 24th, 2023
Live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:11)
Update Attachments – :
Our first Kindergarten Open House is just around the corner! It will be held in the main gym on Tuesday, November 28th @ 6:30pm. All current families who have a child ready for kindergarten in the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to attend. If you are unable to attend, please contact to have an application package sent home. We will start accepting kindergarten applications for the 2024-2025 school year the evening of November 28th. Make sure you reserve your spot now.
We are still in need of some help with our Kinder Open House next week. Please click on the link below to see what is still needed. Thank you in advance for your support.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Kindergarten Open House Tuesday, November 28, 2023
When submitting cash or cheque for your teacher/EA Christmas gift donation, please make sure to put your last name on the envelope so that receipts may be accurately written.
- Tuesday morning, we had our monthly School Mass.
- Fr. Sarce, pastor of St. Charles Parish, celebrated Mass with us.
- On Tuesday, I also attended my Manitoba Federation of Independent Schools meeting.
- Musical tryouts were held on Wednesday at lunch time.
- Our developmental volleyball teams had their windup on Wednesday after school.
- There was a PAC Meeting on Wednesday evening.
- Thursday, we had our first lockdown of the school year.
- Today was a very busy day at SCCS. Our grs. 1, 1-2, & 2 students went on a field trip to the Manitoba Museum. Our grs. 3, 3-4, & 4 students went to the Children’s Museum. Mr. Domolewski, Mr. Vechina and Mrs. Froystad attended their second day of Treaty Education training. We had Carter and Aidan here from St. Paul’s High School volunteering all day. Our Christmas Craft Sale coordinators were here decorating and setting up for tomorrow’s sale.
- Tomorrow, Saturday, is our Christmas Craft Market here at the school from 10:00-3:00pm. You won’t want to miss this!
- Tuesday is our Kindergarten Open House at 6:30pm in the main gym. Please let anyone you know who may be interested in kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Our grs. 7 & 8 students will have Enrichment class on Tuesday morning.
- There is a PML Noon Recital on Wednesday.
- Mrs. Prettie and I will be attending the School Board Meeting Wednesday evening.
- There is a Musical Bake Sale on Thursday.
- PowerSchool reopens on Thursday.
- Report cards will be sent home on Thursday at the end of the day.
- Musical try-outs begin on November 22nd.
- St. Nicholas Day Assembly is on December 6th.
- PML Recitals are being held on December 6th & 7th at 6:00pm.
- Early dismissal is on December 7th.
- Our raffle tickets draw will be held December 8th.
- Popcorn Day will be held on December 8th with all proceeds going to the Holy Childhood Association.
- Reconciliation for our grades 7 & 8 students will be held on December 12th in the morning at the church.
- Our annual Christmas Concert is on December 15th. More information to follow.
- Christmas Spirit Week is December 18th-22nd. More information to follow.
- Last day of school before Christmas holidays is December 22nd. School Mass is at 10:30am and early dismissal at 2:30pm. There is NO BASC on December 22nd.
- There is BLINE on Monday & Wednesday.
- New month on Friday. Please make sure your BASC form is submitted before attending BASC. When filling out the monthly BASC form please note early dismissal days have a different cost.
- Curling forms are due on Monday if interested.
- The K-2 and 3-5 Baking is full. Thanks Kim
There is a Musical Bake sale on Thursday. All funds help pay for the musical costs. Thank you for your support.
This year, SCCS has a great opportunity to help a couple of families in need. We are working with St. Paul the Apostle Parish on this important endeavour and need your help.
Please see the food items that are required for the hampers. Food collection begins next week, and items can be brought to classrooms, or the front foyer. Thank you so much for your support!
KF/KF: jello, rice, canned tuna
Gr.1: mac and cheese, tea
Gr. 2: cookies, stuffing
Gr: 1-2: gravy mix, peanut butter
Gr. 3: canned spaghetti, oatmeal
Gr. 3-4: jam, canned fruit, scalloped potatoes
Gr. 4: coffee, syrup, canned vegetables
Gr. 5F: cereal, pancake mix
Gr. 5M: sugar canned soup
Gr 6: cranberry sauce, bagged candy
Gr. 7: spaghetti sauce, pork and beans
Gr. 8: fruit juice, cake mix
Click on the link below for volunteer opportunities:
The developmental girls’ volleyball team had a fantastic season! This team is composed entirely of girls in grade 6 who have never played volleyball games before. They learnt new skills such as serving and working on their bump set volley in response to receiving a toss or a serve. The girls played 6 games throughout the season and competed in a tournament. They made tremendous progress throughout the season, and I am incredibly proud of their hard work! Chargers strong. – Ms. Copeland
Congratulations to the developmental boys’ volleyball team who had a great season this year. We won 4 of our season games! Each player worked hard to improve their skills and grow as a player each practice and game. I am very proud of the boys and how far they have come this season. They should be very proud of the growth they have achieved as athletes. We celebrated the end of our season with a scrimmage against the developmental girls’ team and some well-deserved pizza! Thank you to all the players and parents who supported the team this season! Way to go Chargers! Miss McEvoy
The Grade 7 and 8 Girls competitive volleyball team finished with a 3-5 record and advanced to the 2nd round of playoffs. The season was full of growth and enthusiasm. The girls had an amazing positive attitude and supported each other throughout the season. High fives to you! Your coaches are very proud of you! Sandy Marsh Hamm and Sarah Boughton
Congratulations to the competitive boys’ volleyball team on a very successful season. The boys had a very impressive record of 5 wins and 3 losses in the regular season, and qualified for Tier 1 playoffs. It was most of the boys’ first time playing on a competitive volleyball team, and they worked very well together and learned some new skills. Great season boys! Mr. Vechina
Hi everyone, the fundraising team is excited to launch a new online ordering platform for our Wednesday Hot Lunch fundraising program! The platform is called Munch A Lunch and can be accessed here:
Each family is required to set up an online profile and will have the ability to order up to 7 days prior to the Wednesday hot lunch (either pizza and potato chips or hot dogs, Booster Juice and potato chips – alternating each week, as we do now). Orders can also be edited, added or cancelled up to 7 days out as well.
Please take a look at the link below for more information:
Any questions? Please feel free to reach out to .
Happy ordering! The Fundraising Team
‘Tis the season for soggy socks and mittens after recess! Please ensure your child has extra socks and mittens in their backpack so that they can change into a dry pair after recess should they need to. Thank you!
If your child is prone to dry hands and dry lips especially during this time of year, please send non-medicated hand lotion and lip balm with your child in their backpack so that they can apply it themselves at school. The Front Office cannot administer anything to help.
It is never too late to submit a Child Abuse Registry Check application to the Front Office should you plan to volunteer here at our school during the school year. Please note that it takes 6 to 8 weeks for the Child Abuse Registry office to process and return applications back to our school, so don’t wait to the last minute! Get yours in now! Applications are available in the Front Office, or you can email and the application(s) you need can be sent home in

Hello friends and family of St. Charles School. The online fundraising continues with our St. Charles FlipGive App. Gift cards and online shopping are waiting for you right now. This app runs on iPhone or Android phones, as well as off of any Windows or Apple computer.
The lineup of deals and offers is growing, and Christmas season is kicking off! Wayfare, Canadian Tire, Sephora, Crocks, Marks, Walmart, Safeway, Winners, Old Navy, Gap, Boston Pizza, Tim Hortons, Applebee’s, Starbucks, Indigo, Door Dash are all waiting for you to check out.
Something else you might also like to check out, especially if your kids are into gaming and electronics, are: Roblox, Sony, Kobo, XBox, HP, and Best Buy.
You can download the app from Google Play if on Android phone, or the Apple Store. To join up, click here:
Once you have signed up, to access the app and check things out at any time, see our link here:
During the school year, if you have any questions, please contact us at this email address anytime:
You are only a click away from helping out St. Charles Catholic School. Happy Shopping from your online Fundraising team
O loving God, may we your children learn to share what we have, offer what we can spare, and go out and act to make this world a friendlier, more welcoming, and comfortable place for all. Guide us in your mercy, O Lord. We ask this through your loving Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Wishing you all a terrific weekend! Please don’t forget to come by and check out our Christmas Craft Market tomorrow from 10:00-3:00pm.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.