Principal’s Weekly Update – September 10th, 2021
This month shall mark for you the beginning of months. (Exodus 12:2)
Welcome back to all our returning families and staff, and a very special welcome to all our new families and staff! We are so happy to welcome everyone to the SCCS community after a wonderful summer break! .
Each Friday, I will send out my Principal’s Weekly Update. It will be full of information and is a good resource to have. I hope that you will enjoy reading them each week. I will also send out communication regarding the pandemic via email as it becomes necessary to share information with families. My goal is to keep you as informed as possible about what is going on in the building, and your child(ren)’s education.
What a fantastic first week we’ve had! The energy and excitement in the building is wonderful to see. Walking around the building you can already see the classroom routines being put in place, and the learning has begun. It is so exciting to see! Students are happy to be back in school, seeing their friends, meeting new ones, and establishing their new school year routines.
The staff started back to school officially on Sept. 7th. It was a full day of meetings; however, we were very happy to begin our new year with a Staff Mass celebrated with our Corporate Board Chair, Fr. Eric. Our Board Chair Robyn Powell, also visited with staff in the afternoon, to welcome them back to school.
Students returned on Sept. 8th. We had our virtual Welcome Back to School Assembly, and our Middle Years students also had an extra virtual assembly that afternoon to go over items strictly meant for their grade levels. Mrs. Prettie and I then had the opportunity to visit each of the classrooms to welcome students to school. The day flew by quickly for everyone!
Thank you to all students and parents for using the assigned cohort doors for this school year. It’s so nice to see other students helping both their peers and parents find where their cohort doors are located.
Our Kinder students began their staggered start this week, after meeting 1:1 with their classroom teacher on Wednesday. They had an opportunity to go on a tour of our school. We’re looking forward to Friday, Sept. 17th, when they will all come together for the very first time as a class. Kindergarten parents please note: On Friday, September 17th, please join us outside in front of the school for a meet and greet with Administration. Coffee will be from 8:35-9:30am. We’d love to see you!
Fr. Michael came by last week to bless each classroom and office. His plan is to return once students are settled to share a special blessing in each homeroom. We certainly appreciate him taking the time to do the blessings. This is a tradition which has been going on for many years at St. Charles.
If you haven’t already, make sure that you check out our St. Charles Catholic School pages on Facebook! There are some back-to-school pictures that have been posted on this page. The link is on our website, and friend requests from our school community are accepted often!
Kindergarten parents are invited to join Administration on Friday, September 17th, for coffee outside the main front school doors from 8:40am-9:30am.
Our first PAC (Parent Association Meeting) of the new school year will be done virtually via Zoom. It will be held on Wednesday, September 15th at 7:00pm. A Zoom link will be sent out to all SCCS families on Monday, September 13th. Please feel free to join our PAC Chair, Lee-Anne Brewer.
Beginning Monday, September 20th until October 8th, SCCS will be collecting non-perishable food items for Winnipeg Harvest. Students may bring their items to school starting September 20th and place their items in the bins in our front foyer.
School photos will be taken on Monday, September 20th, beginning at 9:00am.
Our annual Meet the Teacher Evening will be held virtually on Wednesday, September 22nd. More information will follow next week, along with a Zoom link. We hope you can join us.
Our annual Terry Fox Day/Christian Service Day will be held on Friday, September 24th.
Hello St. Charles Families! This year we will be participating in our annual Terry Fox Walk/Run on Friday, September 24th, 2021. Once again, this year we will have the opportunity to donate for this great cause online through our own schools’ fundraising page! The link can be found below. This year our goal is to raise 1 dollar for every student in attendance at St. Charles! Let’s all do our best and “Try Like Terry” and make this the most successful Terry Fox Run Walk/Run we have had at St. Charles Catholic School!
Donation link:
Mr. Bourquin (K-4 Phys. Ed. specialist)
Please note: Due to Thursday, September 30th being declared the National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, our Orange Shirt Day will be held on Wednesday, September 29th at SCC
Our Fabulous Conservatory Music Instructors are so excited to be back in person with all the students for the beginning of our PML year.Our PML program will begin in a couple of weeks starting the week of Tuesday September 21st – 23rd/21.
***IMPORTANT – Please check your email for an official PML greetings with startup information. If you did not receive this important start up email for PML lessons, please Contact the PML Coordinator – Mrs. Kathy Lalonde so that you can be added to our group contact list.
If you plan on volunteering within our school; in class or for any school functions or field trips, a Child Abuse Registry Check form must be completed, processed, and approved every school year. These applications generally take at least 6 weeks to be processed by the Child Abuse Registry Check office in downtown Winnipeg (once the bulk of them are submitted) and returned to our school. Child Abuse Registry Check forms need to be completed each and every school year by family members PRIOR to any volunteering; NO EXCEPTIONS. Forms will be sent home in backpacks within the next week or so. Please complete the form(s), date and sign each page where necessary, ignore the 3rd page (but leave it attached) re. payment as there is NO cost to you. Provide copies of or send an email to with photos of the 2 pieces of ID you have chosen to note on your form and return your completed form(s) to the school via your child’s backpack or the mailbox next to the Front Entrance Doors of the school. Should any information be missing from your application, it will be sent back to you to fill in the missing information. Having your Child Abuse Registry Check completed now ensures that we have volunteers available and ready to go should in-school volunteering be permitted during the school year.
Welcome back to BASC everyone.
Just a few reminders:
- Please text me in the mornings when you are on the sidewalk as we are still attending to other students.
- When picking up students after school please make sure we can see you. This is for safety reasons.
- Please leave all BASC & Lunch forms with payment in the mailbox as teachers do not have time to check backpacks each day. The mailbox is checked a few times a day.
- To see pics of your child in BASC, check out the BASC Instagram.
- Please make sure to be filling out the monthly BASC form as we need to know how many students we have in each cohort.
- There is no BASC on September 30th.
If you have any questions or concerns about BASC please do not hesitate to contact me at 204-880-8245. Thank you, Kim
Spirit of wisdom, help us to remember that we are made in God’s image and that we have the responsibility to cherish our lives as God’s gift to each of us. Gracious God, you have gifted to us the gift of our humanity. May we use our gifts to create schools where love and justice reign and where wisdom and responsibility can be seen in our actions. Amen.
As we begin this school year, please remember that my door is always open, and if you need to contact me, my email is My office number is 204-837-1520 ext. 222.
My hope is that we have an amazing year, filled with God’s blessings. May we remember to support each other, communicate with each other, and be kind to one another.
Enjoy your weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all next week!