Principal Weekly Update Archives

Principal’s Weekly Update – March 24th, 2023

You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love.  (Psalm 86:5)

Update Attachments – : NO Attachments


  • Our last Learn to Skate lessons for our K-2 students happened on Monday. 
  • Here’s a special message from JP Vigier, the owner of Vigier Hockey:  I would like to take a moment to thank the St Charles Catholic school teachers, students, and volunteers for giving us the opportunity to work with the students.  
  • Students, I understand it is not always easy to learn a new skill like skating. We appreciate you coming out with energy and focus during your times. Because of this we have been able to see progress in the students and that is a great feeling.
  • Thank you to the volunteers for helping and bringing energy and fun to your groups.
  • We wish you a great finish to the school year.
  • Vigier Hockey 
  • Book Fair Week began on Monday.  A huge thank you to our coordinators, Mrs. Senderewich, Ms. Jaremowich, Nina, & Nikki, and all our parent volunteers, for all their hard work in making our Book Fair the great success it was!  Thank you to the families that purchased Book Fair items too.
  • Report cards were distributed on Monday.
  • Enrichment classes were held for our Middle Years students on Tuesday.
  • PowerSchool re-opened on Tuesday.
  • I attended a Board of Directors meeting for the Manitoba Federation of Independent Schools on Tuesday morning.
  • We also had our second lockdown of the school year on Tuesday afternoon as per protocol.
  • Our Middle Years students participated in Reconciliation on Wednesday morning over at St. Charles Parish.
  • Wednesday was Pizza Lunch for those students who ordered.
  • Spenst Bros Pizza delivery happened on Thursday.  A huge thank you to the Charaty and the coordinators who helped with this fundraising activity.
  • Staff Appreciation Luncheon was held on Thursday.  What an amazing luncheon!  On behalf of all my staff, thank you to all the parents from the bottoms of our hearts for the heartfelt thoughtfulness you shared with us!  So many people to thank.  A very special thank you to the coordinators Colleen, Meaghan, and Charaty, our Kindergarten parent reps, for organizing this event.  It’s appreciated more than you know.
  • Student-Led Conferences/Parent-Teacher Interviews, (for Middle Years), were held Thursday evening.
  • Friday morning teaching staff continued with Student-Led Conferences/Parent-Teacher Interviews until lunch time.  After lunch, K-5 teachers participated in a Literacy Workshop, while Middle Years teachers participated in a Communications Workshop.
  • Tomorrow, Mrs. Prettie leaves for Rome with some of our Grs. 7 & 8 students/parents.  Wishing them all the best as they embark on this exciting adventure!  Please keep them in your prayers as they leave Winnipeg on Saturday.  It will be exciting to hear all about their trip when they return! 


  • It’s Spring Break!  Wishing everyone a fantastic break, and if you are travelling, safe travels to you and your family.  If you are having a “stay-cation,” enjoy every minute, and have fun!
  • When we return to school on April 3rd, it will be Holy Week. 
  • Our Middle Years students will have Advisory groups on Tuesday morning.
  • Subway Lunch is on Wednesday for those students who have ordered.
  • Thursday is Holy Thursday.  Our grs. 3-8 students will also have a presentation from MTYP in the morning. 
  • Friday there is no school.  It is Good Friday. 
  • Sunday is Easter Sunday.


Thank you to everyone who donated towards our Toonies for Tuition Colour Day last Friday.  We raised $474.20!  Well done, Chargers!


As many of you know, last week March 17 was our school science fair. Middle years students have been working hard for the last 3 months preparing for the science fair and as a teacher I was so proud to see all their hard work pay off. I want to congratulate each student for doing an amazing job on something that is challenging and new for them! We had two different categories where students could enter their projects into 1. The engineering design. These students created something to solve a problem, they used the engineering design process to build their creation. 2. The other category is scientific research. These students conducted an experiment which allowed them to do research which was to test a hypothesis.

Our engineer design winners are:

  1. Delara  (6C)
  2. Mason (grade 6C)
  3. Logan (grade 7)

Our scientific research winners are:

  1. Harrison (grade 6C)
  2. Amy (grade 7)
  3. Mitchell and Dylan (grade 8)

Ms. Copeland


  • We hope you have a great safe spring break. 
  • When we resume there is BLINE on Monday. 
  • There is Cheer & POM on Tuesday. 
  • Easter craft is on Wednesday. 
  • No BASC Friday, April 5th & No BASC Monday, April 10th
  • Friday, April 28th BASC field trip still has a few spots left.  
  • You must be registered by April 6th to attend. 
  • May forms are on the website. 

If you don’t have access to a printer, copies can be requested and sent home. 

Thanks Kim 


  • Easter Lollipops are available to order for your child or friends on Permission Click, closes March 24th, 2023. Here is the link:

Need volunteer hours we are looking for someone with a truck to drive to the WAG on May 1st morning to drop off the sets & props or if you can donate any donations for the Musical Gift Baskets, $20 is equal to 1 volunteer hour. If you can donate, please drop off in the front office marked Musical.  

St Charles Catholic School is proud to present the musical MTI Broadway Junior “Mary Poppins Jr.” 

The performances are on Monday, May 1st at the Winnipeg Art Gallery.   Shows are at 1:30 & 6:30 pm. 

Tickets can be purchased through the front office beginning Monday, March 20, 2023. Tickets are $10.00, and cash or cheques are payable to SCCS. Children 4 and under get in free. Seating is first come first serve. 

Any questions about tickets please contact Ms. Furutani. 

Offered from July 10th – August 18th. Contact Ms. Furutani for the application or any information if interested. Thank you, Kim


Congratulations to all our basketball teams, and their coaches, this season!  Look at how well our teams did!

Dear Developmental Girls Basketball Team,

Thank you for an amazing season. It was a privilege to watch you gain confidence in your skills and game awareness. We are so proud of you for your positive attitude and willingness to try a new sport. We hope that you have enjoyed playing and will continue to play in the years to come. 😊

Go Chargers!

Coach Gel and Coach Mardis

Developmental Boys’ Team

The developmental boys had a great season! They learned many new skills, how to work together as a team and even learned a few plays. As the season went on the boys became more confident in their abilities and eventually won a game! I am proud of their hard work, dedication, and the growth they have achieved this season!

Kelsey Copeland


The girls had a great season of growth. Despite not winning the girls fought hard every game and steadily improved this season and by the end became a that provided a challenge to all comers! I’m so proud of the girls fight and drive this season. 

Brett Bourquin 

Boys’ Competitive Basketball Team

The boys’ competitive basketball team had a very successful season this year.  Their hard work, effort, teamwork, and sportsmanship were very impressive to watch throughout the season.  The boys’ team was very dedicated to improving this year, as they consistently showed up to all the practices and games, (even the 7am morning practices).  The boys finished the regular season with a 7-1 record and finished in first place in their division.  They continued their great play into the playoffs winning the championship at St. Paul’s on March 18th, with a thrilling 39-38 victory.  Great job this season!

Mr. Vechina

Student-led conferences are being held on Thursday, March 23rd from 4:00-7:30pm, as well as Friday morning from 9:00-11:30am.  Please check the link below to sign up to see your son/daughter’s teacher(s). 


What a successful return to the Learn to Skate program! Thank you to JP Vigier and his coaching staff for all their help and patience these last 10 weeks helping our students grow as confident skaters!

With our season coming to an end, many of your children will be growing out of their current skates and helmets. If anyone is willing to donate their old skates and helmets to our learn to skate program they would be greatly appreciated! They can be dropped off at the front office. Thank you, Brett Bourquin

Brett Bourquin

K-5 Physical Education

Physical Education Head


Another successful Scholastic Book Fair is “in the books” (pun intended!) and we are so proud and grateful because we have so many amazing volunteers who are second to none and they make this Book Fair magic happen each and every time! So, a huge THANK YOU goes out to our volunteer team lead by Nina McIntyre and Nikki Robert.

An extra special note of gratitude needs to go out to Mrs. Nina McIntyre who volunteered for her last Book Fair shift yesterday afternoon after 8 or 9 years of bringing her effort, ideas, and unwavering passion to our fairs. Nina, you have our deepest gratitude and please know that you will always have a Book Fair volunteer shift waiting with your name on it!

On to our contest winners…our Early Bird Winner from Monday evening was Oliver M. and our Family Night Event Winner was Mia V. who, as the Family Night Event Winner, also won for her homeroom teacher Mrs. Laufer! Congratulations! We had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes for students in each classroom who entered our contests and token giveaways to every student in the school who submitted an entry and it was so fun to see everyone heading down the hallway to the Book Fair to claim their prizes!

Thank you once again to our volunteers and to all of our families for supporting our Scholastic “Books Bring Us Together” Book Fair!

See you in October! LET’S GET READING ST. CHARLES! Book Fair Committee


Two of our grade 5 students, Madison, and Selina, have started a socks and underwear drive for Siloam Mission. They are asking for new pairs of socks and underwear- all sizes and gender, to be brought to the school February 22, 2023- April 6, 2023.

Boxes will be in the front foyer of the school for students to make their contributions.

Through your support, Siloam Mission can provide vital services to improve the quality of life of those experiencing homelessness.

Thanking you in advance for your contributions.


We are also collecting cans of food for Lent.  This initiative is in conjunction with St. Charles Parish.  Please send your cans of food with your child and help us fill the boxes in the front foyer of the school. 

Thank you!

How can Spring Break be here already? 
Wishing all of you a wonderful week off!

See you all on Monday, April 3rd!