Principal’s Weekly Update – April 21st, 2023
Happy Earth Day!
And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:10)
Update Attachments – : MFIS MLA Reception …. Pembina Trails Voices …. Fundraising Opportunities
- Tuesday morning was Enrichment classes for our Middle Years students.
- After lunch on Tuesday, all the students and staff gathered in the gym for a “Celebration Assembly.” The purpose of this assembly was to celebrate our basketball teams, our Science Fair winners, our Music Festival winners, and our two students who won in their perspective art contests. The energy was terrific, and we all had a great time celebrating the various achievements of our students.
- Wednesday morning, I attended my Principal’s Meeting at the Archdiocese office.
- It was Subway Lunch on Wednesday for those students who ordered.
- Wednesday after school, I attended the Manitoba Federation of Independent Schools MLA Reception at the legislative buildings. Mrs. Prettie, Trish Farkas, and three of our grade 5 students: Selina, Maria, and Madison, also attended the reception. It was a lovely event, and we even got a tour of Mr. Kevin Klein’s office! (Image attached!)
- We had our annual Uniform Fitting Day for the 2023-2024 school year on Thursday. Thank you so much to Julia, Rebecca and their team of volunteers who made the day flow so easily.
- Friday was Earth Day, and that meant Blue & Green Colour Day at SCCS.
- Musical practice is happening tomorrow for all students involved in our school musical.
- Kinder Grad and Grade 8 Farewell Lifetouch Photo proofs were sent home this week on Thursday, April 20th. Orders are due by Thursday, May 4, 2023.
- Monday will be a Bake Sale for our School Musical.
- School Mass is on Tuesday at 10:30am. Fr. Kelly will be presiding.
- Wednesday is Pizza Lunch for those students who have ordered.
- Wednesday evening there is a parent meeting in the main gym for Camp Arnes for all grade 5 & 6 parents. Mrs. Prettie will follow the Camp Arnes meeting with a Rome Trip 2025 information session.
- Thursday is “White Out Colour Day” for SCCS in honour of the Jets! The cost is $2.00, and all proceeds will go towards supporting our Gr. 8 Farewell.
- Mrs. Prettie and I will be attending the annual Caritas Dinner on Thursday evening.
- Friday is no school as teachers will be participating in different workshops around the city for our Manitoba Catholic Schools Professional Development Day. SCCS is hosting the Blue Cross workshop on mental health.
- Our musical students will have their last musical practice on Saturday morning.
- May 1st is our School Musical at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Come and see Mary Poppins Jr.! Tickets are $10.00 and available for the 1:30pm or 6:30pm show. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOORS.
- Our Middle Years students will participate in a Spring Immunization Clinic on May 4th. Please make sure you have completed the necessary paperwork.
- Our Kinders are excited for the Kinder Mother’s Day Tea on May 5th.
- Our grade 8 students will be writing a PCAP Assessment on May 8th. More information to follow.
- Milk Spirit Week begins May 8th.
- A special Cookie Sale will be held on May 10th. More information to follow next week.
- SCCS grades 4-8 Track Meet is May 12th.
- Our grades 5 & 6 students head to Camp Arnes May 17th-19th.
- There is BLINE on Monday.
- There is no Cheer & POM on Tuesday scheduled.
- There is BLINE is on Wednesday.
- No school, Friday, April 28th BASC is full.
- There are a few spots left in the Mother’s Day Craft & May Craft.
- The K-2 Cake Bake is full.
- There are some spots still available in Golf.
If you don’t have access to a printer, copies can be requested and sent home.
Thanks Kim
- There is a Bake Sale on Monday. Goodies cost $1 & $2. Thank you for your support.
- May 8th to 12th is Milk Spirit Week. Order milk & have a chance to WIN a prize.
- May 1st at the WAG “Mary Poppins Jr.” Tickets can be purchased through the front office. Tickets will not be sold at the WAG.
- Check out the Musical Gift Baskets. Tickets are $2.00 each. Tickets can be purchased in the front office or out front after school. Good Luck.
- If you have any questions about the Musical, please contact Ms. Furutani.
Thank you to the 50 families who have completed 20 hours or more of volunteering with SCCS. Awesome job everyone!!
You can view how many hours you have completed on the Parent Portal under the VIP section. Please keep in mind this information is updated every two weeks and has not been verified.
Just as a reminder each family who has opted into the VIP program must complete the entire 20 hours of volunteer time by the end of the school year or they will be invoiced for $450.
We do have some upcoming volunteer opportunities which include the Golf Tournament, and Spring Clean- up. Please keep an eye on your email for these and other opportunities. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the VIP Coordinator and they will assist you further. Thanks!
Bursary applications for the 2023-2024 school year are now available online on our school website.
Attention parents!
Our Track and Field meet is quickly approaching and with that comes the need for parent and alumni volunteers for the day to help us run all our events! Our students from 4-8 will compete in various field events and races on FRIDAY MAY 12th. We will need 3 volunteers per event. Here is a list of the events we will have on the day we will need assistance with:
Shotput x3
Long jump x3
Discus x3 (morning only)
Ball throw x3
Race timers x6
If you can assist with any of these events, please let myself (Mr. Bourquin) AND Mr. Vechina know! If you have an event preference as well let us know.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 12th!
Mr. Bourquin and Mr. Vechina
Dear God, through your wonderful works of creation, you teach us the simple truths we need to be happy if we have the ears to hear and the eyes to see. In the beauty of creation, may we see that your love for the world is ever bright. May we take time to give thanks to you, God, for the majesty of your world. Amen.
Hope you all have a terrific weekend!
See you on Monday!