A Message From Your Principal – June 2023
Teaching Staff 2023-2024
Good morning!
We are in the final week of school, and this will be a busy week!
Many of you have been asking about staffing for next year. In the past, I have usually shared this information with the parent community in my final year-end email. However, I’ve decided to send this information out a few days earlier this year, due to some staff that are leaving the SCCS community, and this way, everyone has a chance to say goodbye.
At this time, I would like to wish the following staff all the best as they move on from SCCS and follow a new path in their careers. Mrs. Fennell, Mr. Bourquin, Ms. Carter, Ms. Fogel, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Thank you for all you have done at St. Charles and know that you will be missed. Charger strong!
Here are the teaching staff for the 2023-2024 school year:
Kindergarten KF—Mrs. Sofia Fliangos
Kindergarten KL—Mrs. Laufer
Gr. 1—Mrs. Barnes
Gr. 1-2—Mrs. Sherlock
Gr. 2—Mrs. Marsh-Hamm
Gr. 3—Mrs. Mardis
Gr. 3-4—Ms. Langlois
Gr. 4—Ms. Gel
Gr. 5 F—Mrs. Froystad
Gr. 5M—Ms. McEvoy
Gr. 6—Ms. Chouzouris
Gr. 7—Mr. Domolewski
Gr. 8—Mrs. Mulvena
K–8 Music—Ms. Kynman (*Mrs. Gregorchuk is on maternity leave)
K–4 French—Mrs. Sonia Longo-Bertolin (*Mme. McIsaac is on maternity leave)
5-8 French/K, 1, 1-2 Phys. Ed.—Ms. Copeland
2-8 Phys. Ed.—Mr. Vechina
It’s going to be a great year!