Posted on January 28, 2022
- Re-registrations will be distributed on January 30th for the 2023-2024 school year.
- School Mass will be held on January 31st. Msgr. Comeault will be celebrating the Mass with us.
- Our annual Kinder Fair and Grs. 1-8 General Open House will be held on January 31st as well. Kinder Fair begins at 6:00pm, and the Grs. 1-8 General Open House begins at 6:30pm.
- Holy Childhood Association banks are to be returned to your child’s classroom teacher no later than January 16th.
- Wednesday February 1st is our kickoff assembly for “I Love to Read Month”. Our staff committee for this wonderful month have a lot of great ideas for students and staff to participate in. More details to follow!
- Popcorn Day will be held Friday, February 3rd.
- Crazy Sock & Joke Day will be happening on February 10th.
- The Middle Years Ski Trip will be held February 19th.