Click to view a listing of school events coming up in 2024.
- Our first Hot Dog/Subway Fundraising Lunch for those students who have signed up is coming up on Wednesday, October 9th – the deadline for ordering and paying for fundraising lunches is 1 week ahead of the next scheduled lunch.
- We are having a Used Uniform Sale on Thursday, October 10th from 2-6 pm in our Front Lobby. Pieces are $5 each by cash or cheque payable to SCCS – there are no IOU’s. If you have used uniforms that you wish to donate back to the school, you can drop them off to the Front Office. THANK YOU!
- Grade 4 Bible Celebration is on October 10th.
- Our Grade 8 Retreat is scheduled for Friday, October 11th
- No School or BASC on Monday, October 14th.
- Musical tryouts begin on October 16th.
- PAC meeting on October 16th at 6:30PM. Everyone welcome!
- Wildlife Haven is visiting our school on October 17th.
- ROOFTOP school photo on October 18th.
- Spruce Up the School is on October 19th. Please volunteer between 12-3pm!
- Our first School Mass will be on October 22nd.
- Raffle tickets are due in by October 24th NO EXCEPTIONS.
- October 25th is an Inservice Day.
- The Scholastic Book Fair hits our school the week of October 21st – watch for details!
- Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for the 4th week of October – watch for sign up details!
- Our first School Dance is on October 25th for Grade 7&8 students.
- Black and Orange Colour Day is coming up on October 31st.